NCC-NO offer assistance with guidance in the application process, as well as in the implementation of measures that receive support. Norwegian businesses can apply for EU funding for cybersecurity programs from Horizon Europe and the DIGITAL Europe programme.

Businesses that deliver and support digital infrastructures that is critical to society, such as transportation, healthcare, energy, water and financial infrastructures can all apply for EU funding through NCC-NO. This includes small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), public and private enterprises, as well as research and educational institutions. 

As expected, the preliminary schemes for EU funding for research and innovation in cybersecurity was made available for applicants towards the end of 2024. Available in Norwegian only. Deadline is 31 January 2025: NCC-NO lyser ut 20 millioner kroner til cybersikkerhet

Interested parties can contact NCC-NO with questions or for guidance at [email protected].

About the NCC-NO

  • NCC-NO is a joint platform for cooperation between NSM and the Research Council of Norway (RCN). The responsibility for overall coordination will lie with NSM.
  • NCC-NO will promote and facilitate the participation of SMEs, professional and research environments, and other stakeholders nationally; promoting the European work programmes; and in general, stimulate research, innovation and competence development nationally.
  • Discover cyber security education programs in Norway. Visit ncc-no-org.
  • The EU extends support and investments in the wealth of expertise and experience in cybersecurity research, technological and industrial developments within the Union by prioritizing cybersecurity in regards of research and innovation, in particular through Horizon Europe and DIGITAL Europe programme. Furthermore, the EU is pooling resources and expertise by establishing the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC) and the Network of National Coordination Centres (NCCs). 
  • NCC-NO serves as the national contact point to the ECCC. The network of national coordination centres will support the ECCC in managing EU funds for cybersecurity from EU-programmes such as Horizon Europe and the DIGITAL programme, however other funding programmes may also be of interests.